Thursday, January 27, 2011

Basket Case

What's the expression? You are only as happy as your saddest child? Something like that. It's a good thing I only have one child. I'm so weepy this morning. I brought L to school this morning- the second day in a row she clung to me and said she wanted to go home. Yesterday was so unusual and she seemed tired, so I did bring her home. Today it felt to me like she needed to weather this storm and prove to herself that she could make it on her own. I think (hope) I have cried more coming home than she has. I watched from a secret window and saw her teachers were taking good care of her and got her started on a little project. (Today they are going to be making snowmen out of crackers and cream cheese- did I mention that she is three). So I think I need to get started on my own cream cheese snowman. This helped. Thanks for listening.

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's Hot on this Cold Day.

I'm having so much fun at my locknest on this frigid winter day. I am all about the little black dress today. Above is Catherine Deneuve in a famous Yves Saint Laurent black dress and Coco Chanel who made the little black dress famous. My hope is to do justice to these beautiful women and clothes, while keeping a touch of whimsy to my drawing. 

Here's a quote from the new book that has caught my interest (The Classic Ten). "When a woman puts on a black dress the world assumes she is sophisticated, sexual and knowing. By eschewing the bright plumage of the hunted for the discreet attire of the hunter, the woman in black is taking on the role of aggressor. In pastels she is a target, passive. In black she is charting her own course." Great, right?

Hope those of you in the Northeast are enjoying this frigid day too. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Whimsy

Still interested in "learning" whimsy. Using myself as a model. Lucky for me I have whimsical, English features.  What do you think?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Practicing Whimsy

I wish I were whimsical. Today is my attempt at whimsy. I love whimsical, English artists like Laura Stoddart (whose images I just copied above and below) and Edward Gorey. Can whimsy be learned or is it just something you have or don't have? I think I will keep trying. I can be whimsical, I can be whimsical... 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fashion Week

I'm interested in fashion this week.
The color circles are inspired from a spring catalogue I got in the mail. So cheerful to think spring.
The thumbnail sketches (excuse the lined paper) are from a library book I've been pouring over called: "Fashion Icons of the 20th Century"

The top sketch is based on WWI fashions. There was a term "Kriegskrinoline": the use of crinoline during wartime and an interest in a sentimental, backwards look to happier times in fashion. (And the addition of some military decorations on these high fashions to speak of the times).
I thought all of this interest was purely abstract for me, but I find it seeping into my own closet issues. Now I can't afford to make big changes in my wardrobe. But I think I will be trying to downplay my Mom look. For now that only means figuring out which clothes of mine are slightly more flattering and placing them on the easy to reach shelves. So what if some juice gets on my "good" clothes, right?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Freshly Back from Skiing

(for those of you who don't know me, this is exactly what I look like)

I must confess, sometimes in life I can be quite an Eeyore ("oh bother"). So thank heavens I married an adventurous spirit. Thanks to him we took a lovely ski trip this week. The days before we go on these trips I always think- "oh bother, all the packing, all the ski clothes and equipment required, all the food shopping..." And I will also admit the first day on the slopes as I was suiting up and sweating over impossible buckles to close and unwieldy skis I thought again- "oh bother".  My legs felt shaky and new on this first day back to the slopes and I was a little cranky about the freezing winds.
Day two is when I had my breakthrough. I got into the spirit. At the summit I was rewarded with a God's eye view of the world. Also a stop at the "Summit Cafe" for some warm hot chocolate was a treat. Half the skiers warming up along side me at the cafe appeared to be over 70, rosy cheeked and elated to be out on the mountain. (one older woman even appeared to have scoleosis and I'm not sure how she could ski, but she was full of joy to be up here). This is why you bother- its life. Also how often does at (now) 41 year old mother of a toddler get to experience the exhilaration of speed? What fun!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's Good for a Toddler is Good for Me

I am simultaneously reading two books (actually more like four, but two that I want to talk about). Ironically, one book is called "Focus: a simplicity manifesto in the age of distraction". The other is "Simplicity Parenting". I am obviously looking for some self improvement. And not too surprisingly these books overlap quite a bit. I am learning that what is good for L is what I need too. Consider some of these quotes.
     - "Kids do not need any one magical book, the newest best seller or an endless stream of new books to foster a love of reading. They need time and mental ease. They need time to read deeply and sometimes repeatedly."
     - "If you give a child less and less complexity, they become more and more interested, and this cultivates true powers of attention."
     - "Ironically, this glut of goods may deprive a child of a genuine creativity builder: the gift of boredom."

And these are just a few of the gems I found in this book. (Take out "child" and insert my name). All these years I've been looking in the wrong sections of the bookstore to improve myself. Maybe in my attempts to create a lovely nest for my little one, I will flourish. Hope springs eternal.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Programers note

Good morning. Just a side note today. I wanted to fill you in on my decision that future posts and the illustrations that go with them will not match. I have learned that what I like to look at and draw is not what I like to think about or write about. Right now I am interested in fashion images and illustrations, in particular Jeanne Lanvin. What beautiful and unique designs she created! And I am kind of interested in burrowing animals and whimsical ways to draw them. But I don't want to write (and I don't think you want to read my writings) about such things. 
Hope this isn't going to be jarring. But New Yorker Magazine articles have comics that don't have anything to do with the articles, right? And they don't even make much sense most of the time- but they are endearing, right?...
Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alone at Last

Let me start my post with a tribute to my family and friends. While no home life is perfect (and my 3 year old daughter is trying to find my every button to push these days), I'm deeply in love with my husband and daughter. Also, since having a baby, I've met other moms and have had great luck in discovering soul mates in these friends.
That said, I love being alone. L is back in preschool this week after the holiday vacation and I am basking in my aloneness. Is this just because I am an introvert or do others feel the same way? One of my most favorite things to do (and I haven't done it in years) is to wake up early, take the train to New York City and spend the day wandering the streets, bookstores and museums alone. I feel treasonous even saying this. How could I want to escape the company of my family? Does anyone else share my guilty pleasure?

PS. I even love to go to the movies alone. I cry harder and laugh louder.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Young Again?

Well happy new year everyone. 
Today's post is inspired by a magazine article I read this weekend in the New Yorker. Before you think I am a culture junkie who keeps up with the latest- let me confess that this is a September issue put in my mailbox by my neighbor (who is probably a culture junkie). The article was about a 14 year old girl who started a fashion blog about three years ago and it is very successful. The blog is called style rookie and it is charming. 
What I liked about the article is that it reminded me of that passion you experience in your youth. You know, when you are introduced to new ideas that open up a whole new world to you. Do you remember when you read "Catcher in the Rye" for the first time? Or when you just got really interested in something and spent hours doing it. This article about this young woman reminded me of that excitement to absorb what life has to offer; to soak it up.

So my question is: can a 40 year old capture that experience again? I have had an epiphany recently that may help. I don't remember anything I read. I have forced myself to read great literature, serious biographies and political science books in the past and damned if my attempt to be a smarter person keeps failing. However, I am turning lemons into lemonade. Since there is no chance to impress anyone with my store of knowledge, I am free to read what I truly enjoy. I am thinking this could be the answer. By listening to my heart and not my head, maybe just maybe I can be a 40 year old teenager. (OK I know I am romanticizing- truth is I hated being a teenage the first time around- but maybe it will work out better this time).
Here is the young blogger, Tavi Gevinson.
She looks pretty serious, but her enthusiasm is lively and youthful.