Thursday, June 9, 2011

Log book

I've started to keep a visual daily record. I stole the idea from a great post I read by Austin Kleon called "How to Steal like an Artist". (So I'm sure he would approve of my stealing). Now this is just the kind of thing I start in excitement and don't follow through. I've only been doing it for 8 or 9 days, but looking back through it, I can see I've already forgotten all these little things that we do in a day and I am tickled reading it. I will try to keep up.

The quick ink sketches about daily activities remind me a bit of one of my favorite artists: mummysam. Check out her drawings on etsy or flickr. Here is a link: (I sincerely hope I am not stepping on her toes by doing this- I know her in person and she is as lovely as her drawings).

I hope my drawings can look as good with some practice.

Here is what Austin Kleon says:
Be boring. Its the only way to get work done. Get yourself a calendar and log book, break down tasks into bits of time (make it a game). And for past events, I suggest a log book. You'd be amazed at how helpful having a daily record can be.

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