Monday, July 18, 2011


Look at this horrible, scary book cover. Hard to believe this is the go to book I use when I need a little child rearing advice. You may be wondering: just how horrible is this little girl I've been hearing about? Actually the book is not as it appears from the cover. It's good common sense.

Here's what been happening in our house (perhaps you can relate). I've been going about my daily life together with my three year old and she amps up her demands just a little bit each day. It's like a frog in a pot of water that gets slowly hotter and never notices it's going to boil. Well all of a sudden last week- the demands were too much. (Tipping point). One little child shouldn't rob a mother of that much energy. So out come the rules, the boundaries and the tears (from both of us). And out comes this handy book from my shelf of regulars.

Although we are currently in a testing over breakfast this morning, this week is going much better than last. And while L is doing anything other than eating her breakfast. It allows me to get some reading done and to write this post. Quietly (without anger), I am holding firm- no fun until 5 pieces of waffle are eaten.

Hope your Monday is off to a good start.

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